BKLYN1834 features:
BKLYN1834 is a melting pot of talent. The co-op style breeding ground for art allows emerging acts and creatives to pool their talents together for unorthodox collaborations.
Premiering exclusively on Billboard, BKLNY1834 is rolling out their compilation, Comp_01, which included buzzy up-starts like Cade Sadler, Sene from Denitia and Sene, and Toby Pipes among others. Together, the roster of singer-songwriters fuse indie rock with electronic gems worth several replays.
Previously and current BKLYN1834 residetns have worked with Prince, Taylor Swift, and Theophilus London since its inception in 2009
- Adelle Platon, Billboard.com
Also Featured on Compilation_01
Ro James - Get out my way
Our vision for this video wasn’t complicated. Ro James’ message is about trudging forward through the good and bad. For that reason, we wanted to have him be in an entirely empty area, with nobody around to be in his way. The song also has a cool bounce to it, so we wanted to it the visuals and the style to match. Ro has no problem being cool.
It was important to us to preserve Pharoahe’s use of double entendre that he uses within the song. We’ve seen this before with Monch, in "Stray Bullet" and "Gun Draws", he personifies the bullet and the violence. However in this story, he is the affected by substance abuse personified or a drug metaphor for an addictive relationship. We didn’t want to go either way because we felt like it was important to the song to be up to the listener’s interpretation, and we wanted to create a piece that did the same thing.
-aaron. (Director)